September 14, 2008


I don't yet if I will make it to church. There are a few things I need to work out first, although All else aside I would love to go.

Last night before Bed I was reading Power of Praying Wife and I Prayed for my husband's purpose. I have really been praying for my husband and my son lately and yes, i can see results in my husbands. Small ones at least. Well Anyway, I just prayed that God would reveal to him exactly what his will for him would be and would put a calling on my husband's heart for it. What choice my Husband makes at that point be his decision but by praying I'm reaching out that God would help him find his purpose.. O how Wonderful prayer is!

I prayed also for my son. In the book Power of a praying Parent I read the chapter on a child's Salvation. My biggest prayer for Anyone especially my son would be that one day he commits his life to Christ and Walks with a daily relationship with the Lord. I prayed that if one day he would go astray that God would move quickly in, put it on his heart like a burden, and hear the Holy Spirit Pulling him back. That he would be Born Again and Baptised at his own decision in life and lead a life of Christ everyday till one day he meets his Lord and Savior!

To me Salvation isn't just accepting Christ into your heart and then you have a ticket to heaven, its yes, accepting him but living everyday repenting, Building a relationship, having a transformation "the old is gone , the new has come." Its being a servant to God and dedicating your life to him, giving all that you have to him, and surrendering everything in your life (family, money, work, etc) to him and having faith in the unknown. God will take care..even though sometimes it may get a little tough

Daily Prayers: My husbands Purpose, My Son's Salvation (right now he is only 15 months), Recognizing Salvation


Debbie said...

Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that you are all linked up on Blog Around the World! Check in daily to see where in the world we are headed!

Kristin-Homemaker@Heart said...

I think I can kind of relate to this post.
I pray so much for my husband. He's a non-believer and it breaks my heart to imagine what it must feel like to not walk with the Lord. I pray that He will hear God's call, listen and obey.
The book you're reading sounds amazing. I'm reading something similar, it's called the Power of Prayer for Women. So far I love it!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said...

I love that book.

Guess What!? You have been tagged. Come on over and find out what it's all about.


Unknown said...

When my third child was born, it hit me what a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE responsibility I have- not that I didn't know it was a big deal before, but something about my third child- maybe because he was the first child since our salvation (we were raised in church, but didn't really "get it", even though we faithfully went to church and read our bibles until our early 20's). Over the last 1-2 years, we have made SO many changes in how we parent, train, raise, and protect our children.

Do you pray with your husband? If you don't, outloud, pray with your husband daily, you might want to consider it. It's a powerful thing, and allows us to share the most intimate part of our hearts with our spouse.